Rain in Mumbai, Ratnagiri, Dahanu and Sindhudurg likely around weekend

May 20, 2019 12:53 PM|

Mumbai rains

Since the beginning of pre Monsoon season, the entire state of Maharashtra has remained rain deficient. Region- wise, Konkan and Goa is deficient by 94%, followed by Vidarbha 74%, Madhya Maharashtra 69% and Marathwada 67%, according to the data available with Skymet from March 1 to May 19.

Also read: Journey of Southwest Monsoon 2019 begins as it makes onset over Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Out of all the four, Vidarbha is the only meteorological division that had experienced on and off rain and thundershower activities throughout these three months. However, intensity was mainly light and rains continued only for a short period of time.

On the other hand, occasional showers were observed over Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra.

The reason behind these patchy rains over Vidarbha can be attributed to the Trough that generally extends from East India up to South Peninsula across East Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha or across Telangana.

Weather forecast for Maharashtra

At present, a Trough is extending from South Chhattisgarh up to Tamil Nadu across Telangana, but, we do not expect any significant weather activity over Maharashtra. However, a feeble Trough is expected to develop across coastal areas of Maharashtra which may bring along isolated light rain and thundershower activities overDahanu,Mumbai, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg around May 25/May 26.

These activities will be responsible in easing out temperatures of Konkan and Goa. However, rest of the regions will continue to witness normal temperatures. Meanwhile, northwesterly dry and hot winds will continue over most parts of the state. In fact, heat wave will persist over Vidarbha.

Image Credits – Pinterest

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

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