As on August 11, the South Peninsula is rain deficient by 8%. Telangana is the only state which is excess by 28%, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands and North interior Karnataka are on the positive side of the normal rain category. Whereas all other Meteorological divisions of the South Peninsula are either on the negative side of the normal rain category or are rain deficient.
We do not expect any significant improvement in rain activities over South Peninsula during the next week. There may be some moderate to intense rain activities over Tamil Nadu and the South coast of Andhra Pradesh during the next 24 to 48 hours. These rains may occur due to a cyclonic circulation which is over the West Central Bay of Bengal off the Andhra Pradesh coast and a trough which is extending from the South interior Karnataka to the Comorin area across Tamil Nadu.
This is not a good sign for southern states. Rain deficiency is expected to increase further due to weak monsoon conditions. Kerala which is the most rain-deficient state may slip into drought-like conditions due to lack of rains. Rain deficiency of 42% for Kerala may increase further. Similarly, Lakshadweep, Rayalaseema, and interior Karnataka may also become rain deficient.