Rain And Thundershowers For Delhi -Tonight And Tomorrow

March 30, 2023 3:59 PM|

In continuation with the wet spell yesterday over Delhi,  showers are knocking once again. Delhi/ NCR is likely to have rain and thundershowers during late evening and night.  With a break sometime tomorrow forenoon/afternoon, wet spell will resume tomorrow as well. The remnant showers , albeit light, may even continue on Saturday morning and cease thereafter.

Western disturbance has reached northern mountains and induced circulation is marked over Southwest Rajasthan. Also, an east west trough is running in the close proximity of Delhi. Situation is building up for light to moderate showers over the next 2 days.

Base observatory recorded 9mm rainfall in the past 24hr,taking the monthly total to 34mm. With this, Delhi has far exceeded its monthly normal of 19.1mm. It is likely to raise this margin further. Any rainfall after 8.30 a.m tomorrow will be counted against 01st April.

Light to moderate rain and thundershowers are likely in the late evening and night. Showers are likely to be more intense tomorrow. Lightening and thunder, accompanied with strong gusty winds are expected over most parts of Delhi and suburbs. 

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