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Rain and hailstorm is expected over Rajasthan

October 15, 2023 2:56 PM |

West Rajasthan has not received any rain in the month of October. However, isolated light rain occurred over the eastern parts of Rajasthan. But the intensity is negligible. Rain activities over Rajasthan usually occur in the event of a Western disturbance. Whenever there is an intense or active Western disturbance over the Western Himalayas, it induces cyclonic circulation over Central Pakistan and parts of Rajasthan. The combination of these two weather systems gives scattered rain over Rajasthan.

A western disturbance has already approached the Western Himalayas and is giving widespread rain and isolated snowfall over The Hills. The induced cyclonic circulation is over central parts of Pakistan. We expect light to moderate rain to commence over many parts of Rajasthan during the next 24 to 48 hours. The districts adjacent to Gujarat will remain dry. There are chances of isolated hailstorm activities over Northwest and West Rajasthan.

Harvesting of the crops in Rajasthan is over now. Therefore, we do not expect any adverse impact of these rains on the farming communities. In fact, this upcoming rain will benefit the Rabi crops, which will be sown any time now.

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