Punjab and Haryana Experience Dry Spell as Monsoon on the Backseat

August 30, 2023 3:16 PM|

Punjab and Haryana have found themselves under the grip of dry weather conditions, with no Western Disturbance in sight and the Monsoon trough remaining distantly northward.

The monsoon performance in these regions during August has been very poor. Starting the month at 34 percent surplus, Punjab became rain deficient at -1 percent by the end of August. Similarly, Haryana began August with a 52 percent rainfall surplus, which dropped down to 9 percent by the month's close.

The immediate future holds little hope for respite as dry weather is predicted to persist for at least one more week. With the Western Disturbance absent and the Monsoon trough currently far to the north, these states find themselves yearning for the much-needed showers and will experience dry weather only.

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