Pune and Nashik record single digit minimums, lowest of the season

January 9, 2023 7:29 PM|

While northern parts of the country shiver, the central parts, particularly the Maharashtrian cities of Pune and Nashik enjoy pleasant weather conditions on most occasions. However, as the North has been shivering with cold wave conditions and extremely low temperatures, the effect has also been seen in these parts.

Today, the city of Pune recorded 8.6 degrees as its minimum while Nashik saw the minimum at 8.7 degrees. As compared to yesterday, Pune observed a drop of 5 degrees and Nashik saw a reduction of 4 degrees.

Single-digit temperatures in these cities are not a regular affair and do not happen frequently. Moreover, they stay for a short while and temperatures do increase within a day or two. The last time these cities saw such low minimum was on December 25 at 9.8 degrees for Nashik and Pune saw its lowest at 10.9 degrees on January 2.

At this point, as the anti cyclone has been pushed due to the arrival of Western Disturbance, icy cold easterly northeasterly land winds from the north have started to blow over the region resulting in such minimums. This situation may persist for the next 24 hours but thereafter there will be a gradual rise in minimums due to the anticyclone becoming faded in which case easterly winds will not prevail.

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