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Prolonged unusual weather conditions continue over Gujarat

January 15, 2018 6:31 PM |

Prolonged unusual weather conditions continue over Gujarat

The state of Gujarat has been experiencing unusual as well as extended spell of warm weather. In fact, the region has been recording abnormally elevated temperatures in terms of both maximums as well as minimums. Though no discomfort has been observed over the state, the warm spell has been longer than usual.

The reason for such weather conditions can be attributed to the displacement of the anti cyclone from its usual position. The anti cyclone is a seasonal feature which is present over Rajasthan, Haryana and governs the weather over Gujarat.


Due to the disorganization of the seasonal weather feature, wind profile has been affected. Therefore, both minimums and maximums have witnessed a rise. As of today, the maximums as well as the minimums settled way higher than the normal levels.

Take a look at the maximum and minimum temperatures and their departures from normal levels in the table below:

Gujarat Weather

Usually, one of the two, i.e., either the maximums or the minimums remain above the normal levels. Herein, where both the temperatures are above normal levels, happens to be a rare occurrence.

As per weathermen at Skymet Weather, no significant improvement is expected in the prevailing situation. In fact, major change in the weather conditions is also expected after a week or so.

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