The countrywide rain surplus as on March 31st was 47%. Central India was a large surplus by 219% followed by Northwest India which was surplus by 75%, South India was deficient by 11% whereas most rain deficient region of the country was east and North East with a deficiency of 26%.
Pre-monsoon rains have decreased in the first 10 days of April. The countrywide rain surplus between March 1 and April 10, now stands at 26%.
As on April 10, central India is surplus by 171%, northwest India is surplus 55%, south Peninsula, which was deficient by 11% on March 31st, has become rain surplus by 25%. The east and northeast India has not received enough rain during the first 10 days of April. It is now deficient by 43%.
So, we can say that south India is the best performer in the first 10 days of April. The reason for these good rains in the south was a North-South trough and a wind discontinuity. Due to these weather parameters, many parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka have received good rains during the last few days. Rains have also increased over south Andhra Pradesh. In-fact the south coast of Andhra Pradesh has recorded few heavy spells during the last few days.
For the next two days, the weather of North-West and Central India is expected to remain almost dry, which may decrease the rain surplus in these regions. North East India is going to receive good rain during the next week. These moderate to heavy rains may decrease the rain deficiency of East and North-East India in the coming days.