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Possible Depression to soon brew in Arabian Sea, rains ahead for Maharashtra, Gujarat and MP

September 19, 2019 1:41 PM |

Depression in Arabian Sea

A Cyclonic Circulation is prevailing over Madhya Pradesh and adjoining Maharashtra region due to which there is rain in Maharashtra, Konkan and Goa and South Gujarat region.

In the next 24 hours, the Cyclonic Circulation is expected to shift further westward and might be seen over Northeast Arabian Sea adjoining Konkan region. The system will then remain stationary for the next two to three days at the same location.

The system might intensify further into a Low-Pressure Area and possibly become a Depression in the next three to four days.

This will lead to enhanced rainfall activities in Gujarat, Konkan and Goa, North Madhya Maharashtra, parts of Madhya Pradesh and some regions of Rajasthan.

This Depression is then likely to move further westward away from the Indian mainland keeping a safe distance from Gujarat and Pakistan coast while moving towards Oman. Thus, no major threat is forecast for the Indian mainland as of now.

According to the observed pattern, such systems developing in the fag end of September sometimes intensify to become a Cyclone. As a relief, the close proximity of a system to the coast will definitely impede the growth of the system. However, there still remains a threat.

Image Credits – The Indian Express

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