Pleasant Bengaluru to continue witnessing subdued Monsoon conditions

July 13, 2017 4:30 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The city of Bengaluru has been witnessing subdued Monsoon conditions for a long time now. While there have been light rains on frequent intervals, good rains have remained in hiding from the city of Bengaluru. Forget good rains, even double-digit rains have not been making appearances over the capital city of Karnataka.


Similar weather conditions were observed over the Garden City during the last 24 hours as well as only light rainfall activity was witnessed over Bengaluru. In a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Wednesday, Bengaluru witnessed very light rainfall of 2 mm.

The reason for lesser rains over the IT Hub of the country can be attributed to the absence of any significant weather system persisting over Bengaluru.

Along with this, the wind pattern has also changed and have now become westerly in nature resulting in reduction of moisture content and cloud development over the capital city.

Check out the latest lightning and thunderstorm status across Bengaluru

Thus, as per weathermen at Skymet Weather, the silicon city is likely to remain almost dry. However, the possibility of light rainfall activity on some occasions cannot be ruled over the city. As far as the sky conditions are concerned, they will remain cloudy to overcast.

Coming to temperatures, the maximums will continue to settle close to the 28 degree mark and minimums will settle around 23 degrees resulting in pleasant weather conditions over the city.

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