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Performance of Monsoon so far in Rayalaseema, Andhra Pradesh and rain forecast

September 16, 2019 5:25 PM |

rain in AP

The state of Andhra Pradesh is meteorologically divided into two parts, first is Andhra Pradesh region and the second is Rayalaseema.

The AP region has a long coastline and can be bifurcated as North Coastal AP and South Coast AP.

Talking about this Monsoon, June was deficient for most parts of Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema with the deficiency in excess of 30% for both the region.

Coastal Andhra Pradesh, however, managed to receive some rains in July because of which the deficiency was reduced to 10%, as per rainfall data between June 1 and July 31. However, Rayalaseema continued to experience deficit rains in July as well. Although, a marginal improvement was seen but it did not make any much difference to the deficiency and it was still high with 28% (rain data from June 1 to July 31)

This season, the second half of Monsoon has been better than the first half for both Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema.

In August, due to some good rains, the deficiency had significantly dropped down to only 3% in Andhra Pradesh.

Likewise, some significant showers helped Rayalaseema to come under normal deficiency category with 16%. (rainfall data between June 1 and July 31) (+/19 is normal).

The first half of September was fairly okay for Andhra Pradesh with the region being a rain surplus by 2%, while it was a little poorer for Rayalaseema as the region was rain deficient by 19%.

Out of all the four months, September is considered as the rainiest month for Rayalaseema. The average rainfall for July, August, September is 94 mm, 103 mm and 133 mm respectively.

In case of the Andhra Pradesh region, the average rain for all three months i.e July, August and September is almost same, around 160 mm.

Although Monsoon makes a complete exit by September 30, rains continue to make an appearance. The reason being different weather systems that keep on triggering rains.


Rainfall activities are likely throughout the week over both the region. During the first half of the week, rains would be more over Rayalaseema and South Coastal Andhra Pradesh as compared to North Coastal AP.

The reason can be attributed to the Cyclonic Circulation over North Tamil Nadu and adjoining region along with the East-West shear zone extending up to the region. Moreover, a Low-Pressure Area is over Madhya Pradesh and adjoining region and from this system, a Trough is extending up to Vidarbha and further towards Telangana, thus following a North-South orientation.

During the second half of week, the situation would be vice versa, wherein more rains are likely over North Coastal AP as compared to South Coastal AP and Rayalaseema. This is because a fresh system is expected to pop up in Northwest Bay of Bengal off North Coastal Odisha.

The Monsoon showers would not be heavy as such, but widespread and moderate in intensity. We expect the upcoming rains would restrict a further rise in the rain deficiency of Rayalaseema, while an improvement in the rain surplus of AP region is likely.

Image Credits –The Hindu Business Line 

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