Over 700 killed in Coronavirus outbreak, surpasses death toll of SARS outbreak in 2003

February 8, 2020 1:37 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Coronavirus has been spreading like anything and the death toll from the deadly coronavirus has now increased to a whopping 722. Coronavirus has surpassed the SARS outbreak toll which had hit China as well as Hongkong about 18 years ago.

86 more people lost their lives along with 3399 new cases. Therefore, as per reports, 34500 people are now affected in China alone as per the national health commission.

The coronavirus causes illnesses right from the common cold to acute respiratory syndromes.

SARS which is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), is of the coronavirus family. Due to the SARS virus, 650 people had lost their lives in China as well as Hong Kong around 2002-2003. Over 100 people lost their lives elsewhere around the globe.

This time China has been struggling for containing the coronavirus even after 56 million people have been under lockdown in Hubei and Wuhan. Other parts of the country have also made efforts to keep people away from the streets.

Moreover, Coronavirus has spread in more than two dozen countries now which has caused the governments to ban China arrivals. In fact, governments have even asked their people not to visit China. Major airline companies have banned their flights from and to China.

Moreover, there were 61 people in a cruise ship off Japan who were tested positive for coronavirus. Therefore, thousands of passengers along with the crew are now facing a two-week quarantine.

Image Credit: NYTimes