Ongoing pre monsoon activities will take a backseat over Central India now

March 12, 2022 2:05 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat region and Maharashtra received pre monsoon activities in the month of March this year. Isolated pockets of South Rajasthan or recorded hail storm activities also. Pre monsoon rain and thundershower activity usually commences by late March or early April, when temperatures start inching towards lower forties. However, this year these pre-monsoon activities have made an early onset.

The reason for rain over Rajasthan was the formation of a cyclonic circulation. Whereas a trough was extending from Kerala to West Madhya Pradesh. Moreover, a Confluence zone had also formed over central parts of the country leading to these pre monsoon activities.

Between March 1 and 12, East Rajasthan has received large excess rain of 186 %, West Rajasthan is in normal rain category with -2%, West Madhya Pradesh received excess rainfall of 34%. Gujarat region is excess by 40% and Madhya Maharashtra is large excess by 78%. Rest of all Meteorological divisions of Central India are rain deficient.

A trough is still persisting from Kerala to south Madhya Maharashtra therefore, light isolated rain may occur over South Konkan and Goa, South Madhya Maharashtra, parts of Marathwada and North interior Karnataka on March 12 and will reduce or stop thereafter.