October Heading For Rainiest Month: Overshoots Normal Rainfall Half Way Through

October 13, 2022 7:03 PM | Skymet Weather Team

October is heading for rainiest month of recent times. Pan India rainfall has already exceeded the monthly normal figure of 76mm.  It looks to be overtaking the last rainiest October 2019, when it recorded monthly rainfall of 110mm against normal of 76mm, huge surplus by 45%.  October 2013 happens to be the rainiest in the last one decade with a record rainfall of 129.3mm, phenomenal excess of 60%.   

Barring West Rajasthan, Saurashtra & Kutch and Kerala, all other states and meteorological sub-divisions have recorded excess or large excess of rainfall during the week 06th-12thOctober. Daily rainfall on some days during this week was to the tune of 8-10mm against the normal of 2-3 mm. Such quantum of rains were experienced only on few days even during the monsoon months.

 Pan India October Rainfall (%) : 2015-2022

Year20152016201720182019202020212022 (So Far)

Month of October is the rainiest of post monsoon season. Multiple weather systems keep influencing different parts of the country, contributing to Pan-India rainfall. Spill over of southwest monsoon in to October, passage of western disturbance across the mountains and easterly systems from Bay of Bengal impacting Southern Peninsula get equitable share of October rains. However, prolonged and intense wet spell over North India, after the announced withdrawal of monsoon, was nearly unprecedented.

Northwest India is expected to go dry for most of the days in October. However, Northeast India and Southern parts will keep having bursts of weather activity. Weather system developing over Bay of Bengal during the 3rdweek of October may bring heavy rains along the coastal states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. These rains could as well penetrate deep inland also during that period.