Winter has already started to set in most places including East Uttar Pradesh,Jharkhandand InteriorOdisha. In the last 24 hours, minimum temperatures over these regions have also dropped significantly.
On Thursday, the minimums in East India settled between 10°C and 14°C. Both the minimums as well as maximums of GangeticWest Bengaland Odisha at present were 3-5 degrees below the normal.
Lower temperatures were also prevailing in parts of EastUttar Pradesh. The Day temperatures of Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim were slightly above normal.
As of now, northwesterly cool winds are expected to continue over most parts of East Uttar Pradesh,Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Gangetic West Bengal. Therefore, minimum temperatures are likely to remain below normal.
Gradually incidents of shallow fog and mist will also increase. At present, the humidity is lesser than required that is the reason that temperature has not fallen much and fog has also not been affecting during early morning hours.
Whenever an active Western Disturbance gives rainfall over northern plains, it travels and reaches the foothills of the states of East India including east Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. It is then that the humidity level increases and after the passage of Western Disturbance, shallow to moderate fog at many places and dense fog at few places start appearing.
However, this year, due to dry weather conditions and less number of active Western Disturbances, occurrence of fog is also expected to get delayed.
Image Credit: thehawk
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