Skymet weather

Nights to remain cool in Nagpur, Nashik, Bhopal, Indore

December 27, 2017 4:04 PM |

bhopal post

The minimums of some parts of Madhya Pradesh and many parts of Vidarbha are running below normal by 2-4 degrees Celsius. The remaining parts of Maharashtra have also been reeling under below normal minimums.

Though in the last 24 hours, the minimums have increased marginally over Madhya Maharashtra and Konkan and Goa. During the last 24 hours, the minimums in Gondia remained 4 degrees below the normal, Akola remained 3 degrees below the normal and Amravati and Nagpur witnessed the minimums 2 degrees beneath the normal.


The maximums in most parts of North Madhya Pradesh are also varying in mid-20’s while South Madhya Pradesh is witnessing the maximum temperatures from higher 20’s-lower 30’s. The Vidarbha region in Maharashtra is also witnessing the daytime high in lower 30’s.


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As per Skymet Weather, the temperatures across Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha are likely to remain below normal for another 24-48 hours. Thereafter, a rise by 2-3 degrees in the minimums are expected. This rise is likely to occur due to the change in the wind direction.

Until now, the northeasterly cool winds were keeping the night temperatures on a lower side which is expected to get swapped by southeasterly winds. Due to the commencement of southeasterly warm and humid winds over Maharashtra and many parts of Madhya Pradesh these temperatures will start rising.

Henceforth, a rise in temperatures is anticipated around December 28 or 29 in both Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

Image Credit: Holiday IQ             

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