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Night temperature in Delhi drops to 4.5 degrees, rain expected Monday night

December 29, 2013 4:57 PM |

After experiencing 4.9 degrees Celsius as the minimum temperature on Saturday, the weather in Delhi turned to become the coldest of the season last night. The morning minimum dropped to 4.5 degrees at the Safdarjung Observatory on Sunday morning, which is 3 degrees below normal. The other Observatory at Palam also registered 4.6 degrees, two notches below the average. It is the second coldest minimum temperature recorded in Delhi since 2008.

The lowest minimum temperature in Delhi during the last decade was observed on 25th December 2011 when the minimum dropped to 2.9 degrees.

Meanwhile, rain is expected in Delhi on Monday night which will lead to a rise in the minimum temperature and bring relief from the bone chilling weather conditions for the next two days.

Partly cloudy to cloudy sky will lead to rise in night temperature due to trapped heat in the atmosphere. But day conditions may become a little colder owing to covered sky.

The continuation of the northerly winds for the third consecutive day is the reason behind the significant fall in the temperature in Delhi and Northwest plains. A Western Disturbance which is expected over Jammu & Kashmir will bring the change in the weather in Delhi by putting a break on the northerlies and bringing in the moist south easterlies to lessen the icy cold affect of the wind.

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