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Mumbai Stares At Monsoon Withdrawal, No More Retreating Showers Likely

October 13, 2021 1:29 PM |

Southwest Monsoon 2021 finally  announcing ‘adieu’ to Mumbai. Monsoon had made a roaring onset on 09thJune, with hat trick of 3 digit rainfall in 24hr and is likely to depart officially anytime in the next 24hr. The financial capital has been receiving few retreating showers since the beginning of month and these are likely to cease.

Left over moisture and slight rise in temperature may see cloud development in the evening with a stray shower or mild thunderstorm. However, tomorrow onwards, rains will recede giving way to marginal rise in temperature with partly cloudy sky.

Last year, 2020 was one of the wettest monsoon and the most delayed withdrawal on record, 28th October. This was the last date when the monsoon made exit from the country along with Mumbai.  This also had the rare distinction of having simultaneous withdrawal of southwest monsoon and onset of northeast monsoon over south India.

Even this year, the rainfall total chased last year’s record successfully but the monsoon departure will be nearly 2 weeks earlier than the previous year. Still, the retreat will be with a marginal delay of 4days from the normal mark of 10thOctober.

Prior to 2019, the withdrawal date for Mumbai was 01st October. Past data testified that withdrawal invariably surpassed 10thOctober. In the last 55years, since 1965, the monsoon withdrew on 10thOctober or later on 40 occasions. And therefore, as per the revised dates, 10thOctober is the new threshold for departure of monsoon.  

After the withdrawal of monsoon, Mumbai nearly goes in to hibernation for the next 6 months, till mid-April. Rains are witnessed only in case of a stray post monsoon storm throng the Konkan coast. Mercury picks up a rising trend till November end and drops thereafter till January, to pick up again later. A brief spell of 2nd summer  now and thereafter Mumbaikar can expect better weather conditions for couple of months.

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