Mumbai set to witness hot and sultry weather again

February 23, 2017 1:14 PM|

mumbai post

Mumbai has been reeling under extremely dry and warm weather since the beginning of February. However, after witnessing boiling maximums recently, Mumbaikars got some respite from the scorching afternoons.

Mumbaihad witnessed extremely hot weather on Saturday, February 18 when the mercury level of the capital city of Maharashtra mounted to a record-breaking 38.8°C, the highest maximum in a decade. Thereafter, the temperatures dropped gradually giving relief to the Mumbaikars from the boiling heat.

As per Skymet Weather, at present both the maximum and minimum temperatures of the entertainment capital of the country are a degree below the normal. The Santa Cruz Observatory, in the last 24 hours recorded the maximums settling at 30°C while the minimums settled at 17.4°C.

Thus the capital city ofMaharashtrasaw a significant fall of 9 degrees in the last five days giving respite from extremely hot weather to the Mumbaikars.

However, Skymet reiterates that the wind pattern is once again predicted to change and the warm northeasterly winds are likely to commence over Mumbai. This would, in turn, result in the temperatures to rise once again.

In another 48 hours, the maximums are likely to settle four to five degrees above the normal paving way for sultry and warm weather. Such weather condition is expected to remain in the city for another four to five days.

Hence, it can be said that the cold weather offered a short-term relief of two to three days to the people of Mumbai and now, it is expected to become sultry again.

Image Credit: kaapiandart

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