Mumbai rains finally revive, showers to increase

July 14, 2017 11:58 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Mumbai rains failed to display a show for quite some time now. So much so that the city has been witnessing very little rains as good showers continued to be in hiding. However, it seems like rain gods have once again decided to bestow some kindness over the residents of the capital city of Maharashtra.


The last 24 hours were rainy enough and a few moderate spells of rains lashed the city of dreams giving residents finally a break from the almost dry conditions prevailing across Mumbai.

In a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Thursday, Santa Cruz observatory recorded 26 mm of rainfall. Not only this, moderate showers of 31 mm were also witnessed over the Colaba observatory.

These weather conditions have been attributed to the presence of a well-marked Low-Pressure area which is over West Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas. Due to this, moisture incursion increased over the region resulting in cloud development and ultimately, rains over the region.

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Now, this system is likely to intensify into a depression by tomorrow moving towards the Gujarat region. Not only this, the off shore trough along the West Coast has also become active now and is running from Maharashtra coast up to Kerala coast.

Due to the above mentioned weather systems, more showers are likely to persist. In fact, during the next 24 to 48 hours, Mumbai is likely to witness moderate showers with isolated heavy rainy spells. The possibility of a few sharp showers over some parts also cannot be ruled out.

Image credit: Aditya Kuber (Instagram)

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