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Mumbai May Fall Short Of Monthly Target In June, Heavy Showers Likely Next Two Days

June 27, 2024 3:13 PM |

Mumbai continues to wait for typical monsoon downpours, as the opening month of June comes to a close. The record observatory at Santacruz is yet to register three-digit rainfall in 24 hours. The month of June has a mammoth normal of 493.1mm rainfall and the closing figures so far, are rather disappointing. Though, the rainfall activity will pick up during the next 2-3 days but will not suffice to catch up with the target.

Monsoon activity is expected to pick up for the city and suburbs over the next three days. There is a cyclonic circulation over the Northeast Arabian Sea closer to Saurashtra and the South Gujarat coast.  Under its influence, the monsoon stream is strengthening along the Konkan coast. Favourable conditions are building up for an uptick in the monsoon activity for Mumbai over the next 72 hours.

Heavy rains are likely along the Konkan coast, right from Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Alibag, Mumbai and Dahanu. Moderate intermittent rain and thundershowers are likely for Mumbai for the next 3 days. The intensity and spread of rainfall will be higher today and tomorrow. Spells of heavy rains are likely to be embedded in between the intermittent bouts of moderate rains. The intense rains may ease out after 48-72 hours. However, the monsoon activity will be on the rise, once again from mid-week next and continue till the end of the week.

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