Morning in parts of Madhya Pradesh colder than Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand

October 25, 2018 4:34 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Usually, as we progress from October to December, temperatures see a decreasing trend over the entire country wherein the hills in particular see biting cold conditions. However, at present Madhya Pradesh has been seeing temperatures lower than that of parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

The reason for this unusual pattern of weather can be attributed to the successive Western Disturbances which are approaching Western Himalayas. Warm front precedes the Western Disturbance which increases the temperatures over the affected areas.

Moreover, due to Western Disturbances, cloud cover also increases which traps the outgoing longwave radiation and causes an increase in the minimum temperatures which is the case in hill stations of Shimla, Nainital and several others.

In contrast, the sky of Central India, particularly East Madhya Pradesh is absolutely clear and dry winds from the north are blowing over that area. Due to clear skies, the energy emitted from Earth’s surface during the night time escapes into the atmosphere and the surface of the earth cools down rapidly leading to drop in minimums.

Today, Mandla in Madhya Pradesh is witnessing similar weather conditions. Mandla saw its minimum at 10.2 degrees Celsius, while Shimla recorded its maximum at 10.5 degrees Celsius, Dharamsala 10.8 degrees, Nainital 11 degrees.

Now, temperatures may increase marginally over East Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas, and after two days when the Western Disturbance moves away, hills will see a drop in the minimums. However, even then, the difference in the minimums of these two will not be huge.

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