More rains for South Madhya Maharashtra, rest Maharashtra to remain dry

October 25, 2018 3:52 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The month of October is generally considered as second summer season for Maharashtra, with both humidity and temperatures soaring.

Mumbaikars are experiencing hot and sultry afternoons with day temperatures settling near 38°C which is 2°C higher than the normal. However, minimums have dropped significantly in the last two days, thereby giving relief in the evening in form of cool and pleasant nights .

Likewise, day maximums of several parts of Konkan & Goa, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra are also above normal by 2°C -3°C, whereas minimums recorded are below normal by 2°C -3°C.

During the last 24 hours, scattered rains occurred over South Madhya Maharashtra whereas South Konkan & Goa experienced isolated rains. Rest all other parts are continuing to experience arid conditions. However, these rains failed to bring any relief from hot weather conditions.

Santa Cruz observatory in Mumbai recorded minimum of 25.5°C on October 22 which dropped to 20°C on October 24 but today, again the minimum has increased marginally by 2°C.

At present, a trough is extending from Konkan & Goa to North Interior Karnataka. Thus, light rains may occur over few places of South Madhya Maharashtra, but this would give momentary relief only.

However, after 24 hours, the weather of Maharashtra will once again become dry with no possibility of rain till the end of this month.

Image Credits –Naukri Nama

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