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Monsoon rains to revive in parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, moderate to heavy downpours likely

September 10, 2019 3:44 PM |

Rain in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh

Both Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are rain deficit until now like Uttar Pradesh is deficit by 24% and Bihar by 23%. During the month of September, the weather remained almost dry over both these states.  

However, intermittent patchy rains continued but their impact was negligible leading to warm and humid weather conditions.  

Fewer Monsoon rains have already put tension in the minds of the farmers of these regions. Fewer Monsoon rains have been seen here because the Axis of Monsoon Trough remained south of its normal position for the past one month.  

The good news is that the Monsoon will revive over Bihar and many parts of Uttar Pradesh in the next 24 hours. However, the western districts of Uttar Pradesh like Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Shahjahanpur, Bulandshahr, Agra, Mathura will continue to see nearly dry weather. Although, some patchy rains may occur over these areas. While good rains are all set to drench the eastern and the central parts of Uttar Pradesh. 

Places like Gorakhpur, Bahraich, Sultanpur, Varanasi, PrayagrajAmethi and many parts of Bihar will see moderate rains with heavy spells in between. 

The experts have to say that these rains will continue until September 13 wherein moderate to heavy spells will be a sight between September 12 to 13. Thereafter, the intensity of rains might take a dip but still, scattered light rains with one or two moderate spells may continue until September 18. 

It is safe to say that after a little longer break, the Monsoon will once again revive over the parts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.  

Image Credits – Hindustan Times

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