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Monsoon rains continue to lash Pune, heavy Monsoon rains in offing till Sunday

June 28, 2019 7:18 PM |

Rain in Pune
Pune continues to record heavy Monsoon rains and thundershowers for the second consecutive day on Friday.  In span of six hours, the city has already recorded 25 mm of rain in span of 24 hours from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.

The city has already recorded 133 mm of rain in the month, so far. Out of this, main contribution came during the last 24 hours, wherein Pune recorded heavy rains to the tune of 73 mm.

According to Skymet Weather, these rains can be attributed to the persisting off-shore trough along the Konkan coast and a cyclonic circulation over east-central Arabian Sea off the Maharashtra coast.

Both the systems have given immense clouding over the city and nearby areas, resulting in widespread rain over Madhya Maharashtra. Weathermen predict that intensity of rains would once again pick up pace during the wee hours of Saturday.

Weather conditions remain favourable for moderate to heavy rains and thundershowers over Pune till Sunday morning.

Talking about the temperatures, weather has been extremely pleasant since Thursday and would continue to do so till the weekend. Pune recorded day maximum at 27 degree Celsius on Friday, which was two degrees below the normal. Maximum temperatures would remain below normal for the next 2-3 days.

This has been an exceptional spell for Pune, which is not used to heavy rains during Monsoon season being a rain shadow area.

Image Credit: NDTV

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