Since the last few days, good rains have been making a frequent visit to Bihar. On July 19, that is yesterday, Bihar received 36% excess rain. But when compared to the cumulative rainfall figures since June 1 to July 19, the rainfall figure for the state stands at 6% rain deficiency.
But now a cyclonic circulation can be seen over Bihar and sub-HimalayanWest Bengal. The axis of Monsoon trough is also running close to the foothills of the state. The combined effect of these two weather systems is bound to give moderate to heavy rain over many parts of Bihar. North and East Bihar, in particular, will receive good rains for next 3-4 days.
Due to this heavy rainy spell, rain deficiency is likely to improve.
In the month of June this year, the rain was very less over most of the eastern states of India including Bihar. Initial days of July also witnessed dry weather over Bihar but now the rain has increased over the state.
Along with Bihar, the neighboring country Nepal and the hilly regions of it are also receiving extremely heavy rainfall. And it is expected that this weather activity will continue for another 2-3 days. Due to these continuous rains, the chances of flood over North Bihar cannot be ruled out.
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