As the Southwest Monsoon gained strength and covered entire India, it gave heavy rains in last few days in Gujarat,Maharashtraand parts of East India. The heavy rain that caught Gujarat unaware in last two days brought flood-like situation in parts of Gujarat includingAmreliand Ahmedabad.AhmedabadandRajkotreceived heavy rainfall that was in excess as compared to the monthly average rainfall in the respective cities.
Also Read: Ahmedabad crosses monthly average rainfall in one day
The heavy downpour witnessed in Gujarat due to the arrival of Monsoon 2015 has made June 2015 the second wettest in Gujarat in last seven years. Heavy rains due to the deep depression in the Arabian Sea that moved over Gujarat coast were witnessed in last 72 hours.
Gujarat comprises of Saurashtra & Kutch region and Gujarat region. The monthly average rainfall for Saurashtra & Kutch for June is 62 mm and it is 88 mm for the Gujarat region. Unlike the norm, Gujarat received heavy downpour in June 2013 which was the wettest June in last ten years. Rest all the years in last ten years observed deficient rainfall in both the regions.
Following is the rainfall figures for S&K and Gujarat region:
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