Monson Update: Rainy Week Ahead for Delhi and NCR

July 1, 2024 4:25 PM | Skymet Weather Team

As the first month of the monsoon draws to a close, Delhi stands out as a bright spot amidst a rain-deficit India. While the national average rainfall falls short by 11%, the capital has enjoyed a surplus of 46%. This translates to a significant 95.6 mm of rain received in Delhi between June 1st and 30th, exceeding the normal of 66.5 mm. Interestingly, a major chunk of this rainfall came in a single day – June 28th.

The past two days have seen some respite from the downpours in Delhi and NCR (National Capital Region). However, weather experts predict a resurgence in rain activity. A southward trough, currently positioned near Delhi, is expected to shift northwards. This movement will likely intensify rainfall over Delhi starting from July 2nd, with the possibility of showers continuing throughout the following week. This shift will further increase Delhi's rain surplus and bring much-needed relief from the ongoing hot and humid conditions.

Looking ahead, July and August are the peak monsoon months. Experts anticipate that Delhi and its surrounding areas will continue to receive good showers throughout the monsoon season, with occasional breaks in between. This forecast offers a welcome respite from the scorching summer and a chance for the region's water reserves to replenish.

Image Credit: The Statesman