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Moderate to heavy rain lashes Nashik, thunder and lightning in Pune, more showers to follow

October 6, 2019 9:14 AM |

Rain in Maharahtra

Many parts of Maharashtra have observed scattered rains during the last 24 hours. The city of Nashik, in particular, recorded moderate to heavy rains to the tune of 34 mm, while light rains were observed over Akola, Aurangabad and Mumbai in a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Saturday.

The observatory at Pune recorded 3 mm of rainfall and many parts of the city and adjoining areas observed violent thundershower activities.

These rains were due to the development of convective clouds and were accompanied by thunder and lightning.

On the other hand, the weather activities were comparatively less over Vidarbha and the region received only scattered light rains. Meanwhile, Mumbai and suburbs recorded light to moderate rain, however, traces of rain were observed over the Santa Cruz Observatory in the past 24 hours.

Talking about the weather system, a Cyclonic Circulation has developed over South Madhya Maharashtra in the lower levels and adjoining North Interior Karnataka. This system has increased the rainfall activities in Madhya Maharashtra and parts of Marathwada.

The same system would move in the northwest direction towards Madhya Maharashtra and South Konkan and Goa now. Therefore we expect, rainfall activities to continue over many parts of Madhya Maharashtra and Konkan and Goa for another two to three days.

The city of Mumbai during this period may record parting showers with one or two moderate spells. Meanwhile, Pune and adjoining areas may receive intense weather activities.

The meteorological division of Vidarbha, however, may get to see scattered light rains only during this entire episode.

Image Credits – The Weather Channel

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