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Mild Northeast Monsoon activity for South India in coming days

December 9, 2021 8:55 PM |

Northeast Monsoon subdivisions including Tamil Nadu, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, kerala, South Interior Karnataka and Rayalaseema. There is no significant active system likely for the next few days. There are circulations in the Bay of Bengal but are south of their position and are moving across more in the equatorial latitudes in close proximity of Sri Lanka and further westwards.

Their reach is therefore not up to Tamil Nadu and Kerala. However, it is not going to be a total lull for Northeast Monsoon and some light to moderate activity can be seen in between. These rain activities will be due to the easterly stream, i.e. easterly winds from the Bay of Bengal right up to Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh are reaching up to the coast, which is a part of the Northeast Monsoon feature as such.

Thus, rains will be confined to Coastal parts of Tamil Nadu and south coastal Andhra Pradesh, and that too just being light to moderate in nature for the next two days. One odd heavy spells cannot be ruled out. Interior South Interior Karnataka, Interior Tamil Nadu and Kerala may see some light rains.  

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