A massive dust storm lasting for at least two hours had lashed several parts of West Rajasthan on Monday. The storm first hitJaisalmeraround 2 pm with wind speed of 80 kmph, later shifting toPhalodiandBarmerby 3:30 pm with winds gusting up to 90 kmph and 80 kmph, respectively.
Thereafter, the dust storm moved northeastwards covering other parts of the region and gradually losing its intensity.
According to Skymet Meteorology Division in India, a low level cyclonic circulation over Pakistan and adjoining Rajasthan region along with high day temperatures had triggered the dust storm.
As per Skymet, the storm was violent in nature that reflected multiple weather phenomena including dust storm, thunderstorm and strong winds. All these factors had led to very poor visibility during the day.
Moreover, the storm had brought exponential quantity of dust particles raising PM 2.5 levels, which is considered to be hazardous for inhaling. Such particles take long time to clear from the atmosphere.
West Rajasthan becomes prone to such dust storms as it enters into the pre-monsoon season. This was the first widespread storm of the season covering a large area. The winds are usually westerlies due to which the dust storms travel a long way.
Pic courtesy: 121clicks.com