March may end on a rainy note for Bengaluru

March 26, 2018 1:28 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The city of Bengaluru has been witnessing dry weather conditions for the past one week. Though, during the initial days of March, the city recorded quite a few rainy episodes. In fact, those pre Monsoon rains also surpassed the monthly average rainfall. However, since then, rainfall activity took a backseat.


As far as the temperatures are concerned, on March 25, the maximum settled at 34.1°C. Meanwhile, the minimum temperature settled at 20.8°C which happens to be in the normal range.

The garden city is located at an equal proximity from both sides of the seas, the Arabian and the Bay of Bengal. In fact, it is situated 3000 feet above mean sea level. Due to the virtue of these unique features, the city never records temperature close to or above 40°C. However, many other adjoining cities in  Karnataka and Tamil Nadu record temperatures near 40°C or even beyond.

The weather in Bengaluru during the late evening, night and early morning hours remains pleasant during the month of March. The days in Bengaluru start to heat up in the month of April and heat peaks up in May. Even during that time, the weather during the night is comfortable.

As per Skymet Weather, during the next three days, the weather will continue to remain dry. In fact, the temperature profile will not see any significant change as well. The day maximum temperatures are likely to settle around 34°C and the minimum will be around 20°C. The weather will be warm during the day and pleasant at night.

However, the good news is in the offing for the residents of Bengaluru, as short spell of rain and thundershower might occur around March 29 or March 30. In fact, rains might continue in the first few days of April also. Henceforth, March is expected to end on a rainy note.


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