Maharashtra to witness hot and uneasy weather condition for next 7 days

May 13, 2019 4:52 PM|

Maharashtra weather

All the meteorological divisions of Maharashtra are largely rain deficient. Presently, Madhya Maharashtra is rain deficit by 60%, Marathwada by 61%, Vidarbha by 72% and Konkan & Goa by 89%.

Although, Vidarbha and parts of Madhya Maharashtra have received intermittent pre-Monsoon activities Konkan & Goa has almost remained dry. Mumbai and its adjoining areas have not received any rainfall for more than a month. Heat wave conditions were prevailing in many parts of Vidarbha. However, since May 10, the temperatures have dropped to some extent leading to abatement of heat wave from many places. Yesterday, AmaravatiandNagpurrecorded 43.4°C and 44°C as the day temperature, respectively, both a couple of degrees above normal.

However, isolated pockets such as Brahmapuri and Chandrapur are still under heat wave conditions and have seen maximum record 45.6°C and 45°C, respectively as on May 12, 2019. According to meteorologists at Skymet, in the absence of any weather activity for next one week or so, no relief is foreseen from the ongoing hot and uneasy weather conditions. Temperature in Konkan and Goa is settling in the mid 30s. Since it is situated near the coast, weather over here is sultry.

By first week of June pre-Monsoon activities would pick up pace just prior to the commencement of Southwest Monsoon rains.

Image Credit: Sustainability Zero

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