Heat wave has tightened its grip over Maharashtra, with several parts of the state witnessing record breaking mercury.
Bhira in Maharashtra recorded maximum temperatures at 44.5°C, which is highest in last 10 years. This was followed by Ahmednagar at 44.4°C, which is highest day temperature ever on record.
Heat wave is experienced when day temperatures settle beyond 40°C and are above normal by 5 or more degrees.
Temperatures of both Marathwada and Vidarbha region of the state are reeling under high day temperatures for the last few days.
According to Skymet Weather, no relief is likely in coming days as mercury will continue to soar in absence of any weather system.
However as reiterated by Skymet Weather, we can expect some thundershowers on March 26 and 27 but they will bring temporary relief only.
Updated on March 23, 2016 03:00 PM (IST): Heat wave like conditions grip Maharashtra
Besides Peninsular India, parts of Maharashtra are also reeling under heat wave like weather conditions, particularly over parts of Vidarbha and Marathwada region.
Heat wave like conditions are experienced when day temperatures are recorded above 40°C and are above normal temperature by five degrees or more.
Maximum temperatures over most of the regions have crossed 40-degree mark that are above normal by 2-3 degrees.
According to Skymet Weather, Maharashtra has been witnessing prolong dry spell for the last few days. This has led to increase in mercury significantly.
Though, we are expecting some thundershowers on March 26 and 27 but that will not be able to bring much respite. Since these are very short spell, it will only bring some momentary relief.
Let us have a look at the maximum temperatures recorded on Wednesday.
Updated on March 22, 2016 11:00 AM (IST): Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana sizzle, no relief likely
For the past few days, most parts of Peninsular India and Maharashtra have been reeling under hot weather conditions.
Rains have remained almost absent from areas including Vidarbha, Marathwada, Telangana, Rayalaseema, and North Interior Karnataka.
Maximums have been only increasing each day. Several areas have been recording temperatures above 40 degree Celsius.
No weather system is likely to affect the areas mentioned above, which means mercury will continue to soar.
Usually, these areas remain dry during March and April. Sky remains mostly clear and conditions continue to stay hot. Presently, several regions have been recording temperatures 2 to 3 degrees above the normal levels.
During the month of April and May, due to extremely high temperatures, heat low develops over this part of the country. Heat low is conducive for pulling South-westerly winds towards the Indian sub-continent, which is an essential factor for a good Monsoon season.
While Kerala may receive some rain after a few days, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, parts of Karnataka and Maharashtra will remain rain free.
No weather system is likely to develop in these areas; thus, mercury will continue to soar even further. Temperatures may reach a new high in the coming days.
Image Credit: rapidleaks.com