Dry weather will prevail in Prayagraj this week. Mornings and nights will remain cool with mild sunshine during the daytime. The maximum temperature is likely to hover between 27°C to 29°C, while the minimum temperature will stay around 10°C to 14°C. Light fog and mist may occur in the morning. Continue reading to find out the weather forecast on the occasion of SHAHI SNAN on Feb 03.
Day-wise weather forecast of Prayagraj Mahakumbh for the next week:
Weather for 30 January 2025:
On January 30, the minimum temperature will be around 11°C and the maximum will be around 28°C. Fog and mist will likely occur in the morning, whilst the weather will be pleasantly dry and sunny in the afternoon. Light fog and mist are possible between the night of January 30 and the morning of February 1 as well.
Weather for 31 January 2025:
A slight rise in mercury is likely in Prayagraj on Friday, whereas the minimum temperature will be around 13°C and the maximum around 29°C. A hot and sunny day is expected with good sunshine throughout the day while the morning and night will be slightly cold.
Weather for 1 February 2025:
Devotees may feel slightly chilly on Saturday. The minimum temperature is likely to be 13°C and the maximum will be 28°C on Feb 01. The morning and night are expected to be slightly cold with light fog and mist. Strong sunshine is expected in the afternoon.
Weather for 2 February 2025:
A slight drop in mercury is likely before the SHAHI SNAN on Sunday in Prayagraj. The minimum temperature will be around 14°C with a maximum of about 29°C. Light fog may occur in the morning. The weather will remain dry with sunshine in the afternoon.
3 February 2025, BASANT PANCHAMI Snan:
The third SHAHI SNAN will take place in Mahakumbh on the day of BASANT PANCHAMI. The day will be slightly colder with a slight chance of light mist and fog in the morning. The weather will remain dry and the day will be sunny. The minimum temperature can reach 13.5°C with a maximum of 28.5°C.
Weather for 4 February 2025:
Normal weather will remain intact in Prayagraj Mahakumbh on Tuesday. The minimum temperature is likely to hover around 13°C and the maximum will be 28°C. However, there will be slight cold in the morning and night. It will be sunny in the afternoon, with mild heat likely to be felt.
There are no chances of rain in Prayagraj Mahakumbh this entire week. However, there is a possibility of light fog and mist in the morning between January 30 and February 1. Skymet wishes all devotees a peaceful and spiritually enriching experience and moments of reflection throughout this sacred gathering.
Image Courtesy: PTI