According to the latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, Uttar Pradesh is next in line for some rain. The low pressure system is expected to give good Monsoon rain over many parts of central and east Uttar Pradesh during the next 24 hours. Rain could be heavy in districts along the foothills of the Himalayas.
The image here shows that a thick cloud cover has engulfed almost entire Uttar Pradesh and these rain bearing clouds could make the weather in Uttar Pradesh rainy all day. Sunday morning’s live radar images showed that Lucknow was observing some good showers at around 12 pm. Other districts which saw cloudy weather since the start of the day were Gorakhpur and Bahraich.
Without a doubt, cloudy and rainy weather will lead to a significant drop in the mercury. Till 1 pm today, Lucknow’s maximum temperature did not rise beyond 26⁰C. The maximum till the end of the day may therefore not exceed 31⁰C. Places along the foothills may see the maximum temperature settle between 33⁰C and 35⁰C, whereas areas which wont't observe any rain, will see day temperature settling around 38⁰C.
“The low pressure system may intensify further and is expected to die down after 48 hours. Like we earlier mentioned, this system will bring good spells of rain over east and central U.P for 24 hours. Thereafter it may again move in the eastward direction, towards Bihar”, explains Mahesh Palawat.
In the last 24 hours, this low pressure system brought 14 mm of rain to Gaya, 38 mm to Patna and 10 mm to Purnea in Bihar. Good amounts of rain occurred at Uttar Pradesh too, this was: Bahraich 49.2 mm, Allahabad 36.6 mm, Fursatganj 23 mm, Gorakhpur 27 mm, Hardoi 12 mm, Lucknow 17 mm, Meerut 17 mm, Sultanpur 47 mm and Varanasi 67 mm.