Long anxious wait for Chennai rains to end soon

June 5, 2016 11:59 AM | Skymet Weather Team

The capital of Tamil Nadu, Chennai has been waiting for rainfall for quite some time now. The city has not received any rainfall after May 20. The last spell of rain was brought about by Cyclone Roanu. Since then the city has not received any rainfall.

Temperatures have been gradually increasing since then and had also crossed the 40-degree mark. Now, the day temperature has come down to 35.4 degree Celsius. But, the high humidity levels prevailing over the city make the feel-like temperature quite high.

As have been reiterated by Skymet, a good spell of rain is approaching the city of Chennai. The upper air cyclonic circulation over westcentral and adjoining southwest Bay of Bengal off Andhra Pradesh coast will bring good showers over Tamil Nadu including Chennai. The circulation will gradually form a trough travelling across the city.

Chennai will receive light to moderate rains on Jun 5 and 6. Thereafter, the intensity and spread of rainfall will decrease significantly. Temperatures will come down to lower-thirties, bringing some relief from the sultry weather.

We would like to remind our readers that Chennai receives the majority of its total annual rainfall from the Northeast Monsoon, from October to December. The average rainfall for June in Chennai is 55.9 mm while in October it is 278.8 mm.

Image Credit: huffingtonpost.in

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