Light rains in store for Bengaluru

July 18, 2017 8:38 AM | Skymet Weather Team

The city of Bengaluru has been witnessing subdued Monsoon conditions for a long time now. While there have been very light rains on regular intervals, good rains have remained in hiding from the city of Bengaluru. Similar weather conditions were observed over South Interior Karnataka including Bengaluru during the last 24 hours as well. 

According to Skymet Weather, no significant weather system prevails over the city. Due to this, a few good spell of rains and thundershowers are not expected to occur over Bengaluru. In a span of last 24 hours from 8:30 am on Sunday, Bengaluru witnessed few traces of rainfall.

The almost dry weather conditions can be attributed to the absence of any significant weather system over the region. In fact, moisture incursion had also reduced since last many days over South Interior Karnataka including Bengaluru, adjoining areas of Tamil Nadu and Rayalaseema region.


However, the possibility of isolated light rainfall activity on some regular intervals cannot be ruled over the city. As far as the sky conditions are regarded, they will remain partly cloudy for the next two to three days. As on July 16, Bengaluru is rain deficient by 58%.

Meanwhile, the maximums will continue to settle close to the 30 degree mark and minimums will settle around 24 degrees resulting in pleasant weather conditions over the city.

Credit Image: TOI

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