Delhi hasn’t seen much rains this Winters. Only some very lightwinter rainsoccurred on the weekend around January 12. However,Delhi is now all set to witness a rainy spell beginning today.January 21 and 22, moderate rains are being forecast which can possibly along with hailstorm at a few places.
This threat of rains will persist until the upcoming next five days with a varying intensity, sometimes light and heavy at the other. On January 23 and 24, the chances of rain will go down and emerging yet again on an increasing gradient, January 25 onward.On January 26, the chances of rains are less but a chilly weather would be hard to be ignored.
Republic Day, by the virtue of its time of celebration that is early morning hours, weather truly holds the master key. All the winter extremities be it fog, chill or even rain turn out to be a threat. Republic day celebrations in the last five years, have seen threatening situations weather-wise. The table below sums up all showcasing the minimum temperature for the last 10 years on January 26-
Last year in 2018, dense fog had engulfed the Raisina hills, while last to last year i.e. 2017 rains came visiting before and after the event. In 2015 as well, light rains were an obstruction. 2014 was again engulfed in dense fog. 2012 however, went pretty smooth and 2008 was the chilliest.We can expect this year’s weather on the same lines as well.
January 26, 1950 was the day when constitution of India came into effect. It was the day when the country finally had its ‘own’ set of ‘written’ rules governing it. The scale of celebration is pretty huge each year with a grand parade that takes place on Rajpath, just amid the iconic India Gate. The parade is followed by tableaux portraying various states and missiles. Every year a foreign dignitary is invited as a chief guest to the celebrations. ‘Fly past’ is the show-stopper that involves a dynamic and colorful air-show by the Indian Air Force.
The celebrations of this magnitude need preparations spanning months and a good weather to follow it. Good weather for sure holds the key for Republic Day celebrations, 2019. This time,President of South Africa Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa is the Chief Guest for the Republic Day celebrations.
Weather is a ‘science’ and it will not be wrong if we compare it tolawormedicine. It’s more of apractice. Here we have tried predicting it with a grain of salt as it’s a little too early for a precise forecast. We will keep you updating with more.
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Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather