Many parts ofPunjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthanare under the grip of Subdued Monsoon rainfall activities. The reason behind the same is that the Trough line has shifted close to the foothills.
At present, a Cyclonic Circulation is over Central Pakistan and adjoining areas. The Trough now passes through North Punjab, North Haryana and then towards the foothills of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and one part of it is moving across Northeast covering Assam. Another branch is extending from Northwest Bihar to Bangladesh across Jharkhand and West Bengal.
As per the experts, theTroughis likely to shift further to the south of foothills and will move closer to Delhi around July 15. Thus, rainfall activity might increase marginally over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Northwest Uttar Pradesh during this time.
Mainly light rainfall will be a sight over the area with few moderate spells over Chandigarh, Panchkula, Saharanpur, and Moradabad. Around July 15,Delhican also record light rain and thundershowers and this activity is likely to continue for two days.
Currently, strong southwesterly winds from Rajasthan are reaching parts of Delhi and are also carrying loose dust particles which are further polluting the air. The dust haze in the atmosphere can be attributed to these winds. Due to prevalent strong wind, dust particles are suspending in the middle level of air only.
The weather in Delhi and adjoining areas will be uneasy and warm for at least 48 hours. Thereafter, marginal improvement because of rainfall in isolated pockets with moderate spells at one or two places will be a sight. During this time, Rajasthan will continue to remain dry with strong southwesterlies blowing over the region. Whereas, extreme northern districts of the state like Hanumangarh, Sri Ganganagar andChurumight see light to very light rains around July 15 or July 16.
Image Credit: The Weather Channel
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