The northeast region of India has been experiencing good rains throughout the month of August. However, during the last couple of days, most parts Northeast India have been witnessing light showers.
The rain intensity has increased again over these states during the last 24-48 hours. The reason for these showers can be attributed to a feeble cyclonic circulation which was overAssam,Meghalayaand adjoining areas.
Now, this weather system has diffused but another cyclonic circulation is seen over northwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining GangeticWest Bengal. This is enhancing the moisture levels over Northeast India and due to this most of the northeast parts of India have received mainly moderate showers with isolated heavy rains.
During last 24 hours, from 08:30 am on Monday, most of the regions which have recorded good showers are displayed in the table below:
Normally during Southwest Monsoon, the Northeast states receive exceptional rainfall. But this year, till now, East and Northeast India are two of the most rain deficient regions. As on August 8, Northeastern states has observed 18 percent lesser rains than it’s normal.
However, rains are likely to continue over these areas for another 24-48 hours. Thereafter, as the cyclonic circulation will move in a northwest direction, the moisture flow over Northeast India will reduce and thus, the intensity will also decrease.
However, a few good showers over these regions are expected to continue. But these good rains are not sufficient to curtail down the rain deficiency.
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