Skymet weather

June forecast for Delhi

June 4, 2013 10:42 AM |

The weather of Delhi during the month of June is characterized by hot temperatures, frequent dust storms accompanied by on and off pre monsoon showers, high humidity and warm nights but this June the weather in Delhi has something else to offer.

Weather models at Skymet Weather predict that Delhi in June
will witness more rainfall than normal even as days are getting hotter than
usual.“As of now we are expecting about 80mm of rain in the capital this month
and frequent dust storms either due to a passing western disturbance and or
because of the pre monsoon activity”, Mahesh Palawat, Head of the forecasting team at Skymet said.

The normal rainfall in Delhi in June is 77.4mm, which is a
long term (from 1971 to 2000) figure. Last year Delhi received close to normal
rainfall at 66.3mm.

Though the month of June began on a good note as the max and
min temperatures fell down to 37⁰C and 24⁰C, and brought much relief from the
unbearable heat wave, but both the day and night temps will start rising from
the 4th of June.

On an average, the max temp is expected to settle between
41⁰C to 42⁰C, the normal being around 39⁰C. Nights too may be hot, at around
30⁰C, though it may drop down to 26⁰C for three to four days in a month.

With above average rainfall and frequent dust storms and
thunder storms expected this month, the deficit in rainfall during the month of
May, may get covered up easily. Delhi recorded only 22mm of rain in May.

How the monsoon will fair in Delhi could be too early to
predict right now, but as of now, pre-monsoon showers may continue to occur
this month. As of now there are chances of rain in
Delhi/NCR, Punjab and Haryana around the 10th of June.

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