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Intense heat sweeps Maharashtra; irrigation of summer crops advisable

April 25, 2018 11:35 AM |

maharashtra p

The dry and hot weather has been prevailing over the state of Maharashtra for a long time now. Vidarbha and Marathwada are the two regions that have been bearing the major brunt of the intense summer heat.

The mercury levels are constantly surpassing 40-degree mark with isolated parts of Vidarbha even reeling under heatwave like conditions.

As of now also Skymet Weather does not foresee any relief insight as no significant weather system is likely to form over the state. Hot and dry winds from South Rajasthan and Balochistan would continue to blow over North Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, and Vidarbha which will keep the temperatures above 40 degrees.


Due to this, the temperatures may rise further leading to heatwave conditions in both Vidarbha and Marathwada and isolated parts of Madhya Maharashtra. Thus, the stations like Parbhani, Chandrapur, Akola, Brahmapuri, Wardha, Nanded, Jalgaon would continue with hot weather conditions.

On Tuesday also, Parbhani recorded the maximum temperature at 44.1ºC which was the highest maximum of the country for the day. Chandrapur witnessed 43.9ºC, Brahmapuri 43.7ºC Akola 43.3ºC, Wardha 43.2ºC Nanded 43ºC, and Jalgaon recorded the daytime high at 42.9ºC.

On the other hand, the temperatures of Konkan division would continue to remain marginally above normal and in higher 30’s. However, being a coastal region, hot and uneasy weather conditions would continue to bother the residents.

Thus, the coastal stations like Mumbai, Dahanu, Ratnagiri, Mahabaleshwar would continue to remain hot and humid.

Sky would remain clear with bright sunshine and the continuous hot and dry winds would not let the temperatures to drop. Thus, any relief from the ongoing hot weather conditions is not anticipated.

At this stage, let us see the impact of this weather on the agriculture belt of Maharashtra:

In the view of intense summer heat, farmers are advised to irrigate summer crops (groundnut, sunflower, sesame, green gram etc.). Vegetables should be irrigated at 6 to 7 days interval, during the early morning or evening hours.

For the farmers of Madhya Maharashtra, frequent light irrigation coupled with basin mulching is advisable in orange orchards to reduce heat impact. Farmers should also avoid treating the crops/orchards with fertilizer.

For Konkan, farmers should continue harvesting of 80 to 85% matured mangoes in morning and evening hours. Keep the harvested fruits in shade to prevent spongy tissue disease and to protect from heat.

Image Credit:  Instagram (Sudhir14o5)           

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