March 2022 has made many records. For Delhi, it is the fourth warmest March in terms of average maximum temperature. Average maximum temperature was 32.6 degrees. In March 2021 it was 33.1 degrees, in 2004 it was 33.4 degrees and in 1953 average maximum temperature of Delhi was 34.4 degrees.
For the country with 33.1 degrees, average maximum temperature of March is at an all time high. In fact, based on the average for the period of 1981-2010, it is 1.86 degrees above normal.
The reason for these high temperatures can be attributed to lack of rainfall and continuous dry and hot westerly winds blowing from Balochistan, Central Pakistan and Thar Desert over Northwest and Central India. The Western disturbances during the month of March remained feeble.
They have not given any significant weather activity over Western Himalayas. Their impact was also negligible over Northwest India. We have not seen any pre monsoon activity affecting Northwest and Central parts of the country.
Conditions are not going to improve anytime soon as the first half of April will also follow the trend of March. Pre monsoon weather activities will remain almost nil over Northwest and Central India. Therefore, relief from ongoing hot weather conditions is a distant dream.