Hyderabad rains have remained on the backseat for quite some time now and dry weather has been taking on the driving wheel. For about almost a week now, Hyderabad has remained completely dry barring a day of light rains of a mere 0.8 mm on Saturday.
The month of September did begin on a dry note for the capital city of Telangana and since then even decent rains have shied away. With this, the maximum temperatures which were running in the late 20s during the end of August are now running in the mid-30s resulting in discomfort over the city.
However, this persisting dry weather condition will take a backseat over the city of Hyderabad and light rains will make an appearance giving the residents that much needed relief from the prevailing weather situation.
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At present, a trough is running from trough is running from South Madhya Maharashtra to Lakshadweep across Coastal Karnataka. Along with this, another north south trough can be seen from Jharkhand to Comorin region across Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Due to the combined effect of these weather features, light showers will make an appearance over Hyderabad. The possibility of isolated moderate spells of rain cannot be ruled out.
With the upcoming rainfall activity, there will be some relief from the rising temperatures and marginal drop is maximum is likely over the Biryani City.
Image Credit: www.theindiantalks.com
Please Note: Any information picked from here must be attributed to skymetweather.com