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Hot Weather in Mumbai for the coming few days

February 7, 2023 1:26 PM |

The city of Mumbai has started to see warmer weather conditions in the last few days. The Anti Cyclone has been far to the south, under the change in climatic conditions, there has been fluctuations in the daily weather of Mumbai.

Yesterday, the maximum of Mumbai was at 31.8 degrees Celsius. Earlier, in January, temperatures were under 30 degrees. February is the month where temperatures start rising and on Feb 2, the city saw maximum at 34.8 degrees.

In the past 24 hours, it dropped by 2-3 degrees but it is expected to rise in the coming days. Basically, temperatures in Mumbai are controlled by sea and land breeze. Both the morning and the night hours see land breeze blowing over the city of Mumbai and between afternoon and evening seabreeze sets in. Whenever the sea breeze is not strong enough, maximum temperatures definitely tend to rise over the city of Mumbai.

Winds at the moment have been keeping light and see breeze is not picking up because of the presence of the anti-cyclone. Thus, temperatures are on the rise and in the coming days keeping in view of these weather conditions, maximum temperature may even rise to about 36°C as well.

After four days, when the Western Disturbance in the hills move away around Feb 11 or so, there will be a change in wind pattern and weather conditions and therefore, temperatures may witness a drop during that time. Until then, Mumbai is expected to see some hot weather conditions for at least the next three days.

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