Hills of North India are waiting for first heavy snowfall

December 17, 2022 2:32 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Western disturbances start travelling in lower latitudes from October and impact Western Himalayas. Intensity and frequency of Western Disturbances usually starts increasing from late November and continues until January or first half of February.

Movement of Western Disturbance depends on the position of the Sun. During winters, the sun starts travelling in Southern hemisphere and western disturbance also descend to lower latitudes over Western Himalayas. Intensity of Western Disturbance remained low until now.

We have not seen any intense Western Disturbance approaching Western Himalayas during November and the first half of December which would have given heavy snowfall across the hills. As per our forecast, there will not be any significant weather activity over hills of Western Himalayas from Gilgit-Baltistan to Uttarakhand for at least next one week. Therefore, hills have to wait little a longer for heavy snowfall.