Heavy rains to lash Pune, Nashik, Sholapur, Goa

June 13, 2017 11:52 AM | Skymet Weather Team

From the last 24 hours, Marathwada, Coastal Maharashtra and southern parts of Madhya Maharashtra had been receiving heavy rains. Monsoon has covered most parts of Konkan and Goa, many parts of Madhya Maharashtra and some parts of Marathwada as well. Hence, on account of the arrival of Monsoon, Maharashtra is likely to continue witnessing heavy Monsoon showers during the next three to four days.

As per Skymet Weather, we expect good rains to continue over Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra region during the next 36-48 hours. Monsoon is yet to reach the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in cities like Nagpur, Akola, Gondia, Wardha, Yeotmal.

Fortunately, this year Marathwada is likely to receive good rains in the month of June. In fact, Parbhani has already recorded 143.2 mm of rainfall till June 12 as against its monthly mean of 157.8 mm. Hence, the possibilities of Parbhani surpassing its average monthly rainfall stands strong.

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In fact, the stat had already witnessed heavy to extremely heavy showers in the last 24 hours as well. In a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Monday, Harnai recorded 124 mm of rainfall, Chandrapur 55 mm, Parbhani 54 mm, Alibag 51 mm, Ratnagiri 44 mm, Goa 30 mm, Pune 28 mm, Mumbai 25 mm, Nasik 21 mm, Kolhapur 20 mm, Satara and Sholapur 13 mm, and Sangli witnessed light traces of 10 mm.


However, Vidarbha which has not seen rains yet might even start receiving Monsoon showers during the next 36-48 hours. Meanwhile, Konkan and Goa are to continue with ongoing heavy Monsoon showers but the intensity of rainfall is likely to reduce in the coming days.

Image Credit: Indian Express

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