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Heavy Rains To Continue Over Kerala, Moderate Showers On Weekend

May 23, 2024 4:31 PM |

As expected, the state of Kerala has been pounded with heavy rains during the past 24 hours. Three-digit rainfall in 24 hours has been recorded at quite a few places. Amongst the top few were: Karipur-193mm, Alapuzha-122mm, Kottayam-102mm, and Kochi-101mm. Palakkad, Varkala and Vellanikara also recorded moderate to heavy rainfall. Weather activity will continue today, and ease out slightly, tomorrow onwards.

A cyclonic circulation still persists over Kerala and adjoining parts of Tamil Nadu and South Interior Karnataka. This feature may get softened in the next 24 hours. But, there is a storm brewing over the Bay of Bengal, presently marked as well as marked low-pressure area. This system will keep intensifying the wind stream over the Arabian Sea and draw it all along the Kerala coast, over the next four days.

Heavy to very heavy rainfall is likely over the state in the next 24 hours. The intensity and spread will be more over the central and interior parts of the state. While the copious rains may start easing out tomorrow, the spread of moderate rains will continue for the next 4-5 days. Isolated heavy rains can not be ruled out over some locations, during this period. Courtesy, of heavy pre-monsoon activity over the last about 10 days, the state has caught up with the seasonal quota. Otherwise, the rainfall was deficit in the month of March by 66% and in April by 61%. Seasonal shortfall now, between 01st March and 22nd May has been reduced to a mere 14%, which lies within the normal range.

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