In the last 24 hours,Uttarakhandhas observed scattered rainfall. The capital city,Dehradunhas received 15 mm rain during last 24 hours from 08:30 am on Wednesday. However, during the same time frame,Mussoorieobserved the most rainfall of 122 mm followed by Uttarkashi that recorded rainy spells of 30.8 mm.
Nainital, Pantnagar and Pithoragarh observed light showers. The normal rainfall of the state as on June 29 is 158.9 mm and Uttarakhand has already recorded 161.5 rainfall till yesterday.
Heavy Monsoon showers are expected in the month of July and rains are expected to enhance gradually between July 1 and July 3. However, between July 2 and July 3, there are possibilities of heavy to extremely heavy showers over many parts of the state.
These heavy showers may also lead to landslides and flash floods which are likely to affect the ongoingChar Dham Yatra.Hence, people especially pilgrims are advised to take proper caution during these 2 to 3 days.
As per Skymet Weather, one or two incidents of cloudburst cannot be ruled out over this hilly terrain.
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